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What You Need to Qualify for an Elmiron Lawsuit?

Most doctors prescribe Elmiron to patients suffering from an ailment of the urinary tract or interstitial cystitis. Recent studies show that this bladder medication is associated with eye damage. Suppose you are suffering from an eye disease that you believe results from consuming Elmiron. In that case, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation for your injuries through the Elmiron lawsuit.

What You Need to Qualify for an Elmiron Lawsuit? 11

How Can You Become Eligible for An Elmiron Lawsuit?

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson and Johnson, manufactures Elmiron drugs. These bladder medication manufacturers should be held accountable if their potential negligence has caused patients to suffer from eye injuries. Suppose you are someone who has been administered Elmiron for your bladder pain and discomfort and has later been diagnosed with retinal damage. In that case, your eye damage is possibly a side effect of consuming Elmiron. In this case, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturers of Elmiron to receive monetary compensation. The eligibility of your lawsuit depends on the side effects and the resulting eye condition.

To become eligible to file a lawsuit, you should have one of the following side effects:

  • Scotoma
  • Retinopathy
  • Pigment Maculopathy
  • Maculopathy

Furthermore, to be eligible to claim benefits, you should have one of the following conditions caused by the side effect:

  • Vision Impairment
  • Vision Loss
  • Blurred Vision
  • Halo Vision
  • Unilateral Blindness
  • Bilateral Blindness

As there is ongoing research on Elmiron, many people do not know of its side effects. However, this should not mean that you suffer silently because of the negligence of Elmiron manufacturers. You deserve justice if you are a victim of Elmiron’s side effects. If you have any eye injuries mentioned above due to the consumption of Elmiron, contact an attorney immediately, as they can help you file your Elmiron lawsuit to seek justice.

Seeking Help from a Reputed Dangerous Drug Lawyer

Justice should prevail, and negligent drug manufacturers should be held liable for any potential damages and injuries from consuming their drugs. If your use of Elmiron has been wronged, you’ve to receive remuneration. Hiring a knowledgeable and experienced dangerous drug lawyer ensures you have all the legal backing required to protect your legal rights and fight for your claims.

Suffering from an eye injury can be a traumatic experience. A seasoned attorney can provide the legal expertise and resources to collect evidence and prove negligence. Hence, hiring a renowned Elmiron lawsuit lawyer, like the ones at Riddle and Brantley, who can listen to your case and clarify all your legal options is recommended. Besides, it can be daunting to fight against a big drug manufacturing company such as Janssen Pharmaceuticals, which has enormous monetary resources. This makes it imperative to get legal assistance to receive the financial compensation you rightfully deserve for your injuries and sufferings.

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